November 29, 2023

Generative AI is way too good to pass on.

Hi all,

Hope you can live with a touch of shameless self-promotion, because we are on a mission and believe in Generative AI such as ChatGPT, Bing Chat/Copilot or Claude being able to “democratize tech’…

Again, this week we have had great workshops with companies and network groups in Denmark.

According to participants, getting started like this has had a profound effect on daily business as AI is now mature and ready to be used. And best of all – everybody can get excited about Generative AI as it does not require the usual IT savviness 'new tech’ so often calls for. We refer to it as “democratizing tech’…getting going also means immediate cost savings and no least; getting rid of some of the boring and tedious work tasks that exist in most jobs from leadership to staff.

Relevance is important and we hence tailor the content to each network group, team, or company's needs - of course content needs to match what you do and where you are, we get that.

At times Generative AI needs a bit of a helping hand to get across – we aim at removing the ‘complex buzz’ and making it ‘no-fuzz’, hence we have also had a great many opportunities for introductions of Generative AI to roundtables and corporate leader groups.

E.g. for a roundtable or company session, we, an agenda could look like this:

  • Introduction to Generative AI: What is it - an overview of the potential and current applications.
  • Case Studies Across Industries: Real examples of successful daily usage – practicality is the key
  • Hands-On Workshop: Participants get to work with the tools and witness how easy it is to get started and to get results - in real-time.
  • Corner flags for usage – what and how to handle?
  • Discussion round: An open conversation about the impact of AI on the future job market – friend or foe? And why it is a bit hard to just try and ignore it.

Thanks for reading along and if you don’t go with us at least make sure you do go…Generative AI is way too good to pass on.

ENGAGE Consulting

AI Practice

About Language

In respect of language diversity in the Danish workforce, our posts are in English, but obviously we also deliver to you in Danish as needed.
